Meet Our Tribal Government

The executive branch of the L’Nabi Sharakhi Tribal Nation is known as the Tribal Council. The Tribal Council is charged with establishing tribal policy, protecting the rights of our people, and delegating authority as necessary.

Chief Eliyahu A. Ori El

Greetings, friends, family, and keepers of Mother Earth, My goal as Lnabi Sharakhi Tribal Nation Chief is to organize an Indigenous Amarukhan confederacy in an effort to create an autonomous Indian state. Many of us have forgotten our identity due to paper genocide and systematic programming and therefore caused many to abandon our Native ideals to maintain spiritual balance and harmonious respect for the land and one another. This divine mission to resurrect our lost tribes, culture, language, and economic structures requires all misnomer African Americans & Indian tribes to settle their differences and unite to reclaim our lands, culture, and freedom.

Assistant Chief Cory M. Hopson

All praise to The Most High! It is my pleasure to serve as assistant chief of this tribal nation as a community leader and a child Yah. I hope to bring all my gifts and share them with my brethren and the world. It is our duty to uplift ourselves and fallen humanity. Through our words and our actions, we will make change to our environment. Peace!



Naima A. Ori El, Treasurer

Peace and blessings everyone! I am Naima. It is my great honor to fulfill the role as treasurer for my tribe. We are doing the work of reconnecting Yahuweh’s people back to their divine place under the shadow of His wings. In doing so, it is my personal aim to reflect the embodiment of the 7 principles of EMETH, from which our tribe operates. I commit all my work to the Lord and am grateful for the opportunity to share the heart of our tribe with all our friends.

Hakim Khalifa El, Secretary

First of all, thank you for letting me have the opportunity to introduce myself. I’m Hakim Khalifa El which means wise leader. In my life journey, it has become self-evident that it takes a group/ village effort to be the positive change we would like to see in this world. My contributions are to bring spiritual self-awareness, technical skills, and finance knowledge. My ultimate goal is to portray a history of uplifting myself from falling humanit—Shalom (peace and love)!

Trustee Bryan D. Evans, Sr.

Shalom! It is my pleasure to greet you in the name of the Most-High. In Hebrew, my name is Abir (अबीर) it means brave and strong. I believe this name is befitting who I am and aspire to be throughout my life. As a tribal leader, I endeavor to be the pulse of strength in Yah through faith and trust in the divine will of the Father. Shalom Aleichem! (Peace be with you!)

Trustee Geraldineia G. Evans

Hello everyone! Most people refer to me as Gigi, and it’s my pleasure to greet you! As a trustee of the tribe, I will work to be socially aware of the community’s needs and help others learn how to navigate the pitfalls of life to support themselves while drawing closer to the perfected plan of the Most-High. I pray for peace and many blessings over the lives of each of you.

Trustee John McClain

Hello, I am John McClain aka Yahudah El Rapha. As a Trustee and member of the tribe, my goal is to establish financial and economic development for consistent and abundant growth regardless of the economic state of the world.